Sunday, May 18, 2014

Under the Sea! :)

So sorry its been longer than a week I told you I would keep up and then I failed to do so but only because we are out to sea and internet has been down and very sketchy. Oh how I love to be out to sea...But man do I wish I was Part of that world where the Internet was fast, I wouldn't have to use facebook mobile and I would have cell phone reception vs. the hard to understand phone calls with a calling card. So far out to sea... I have studied and studied and studied I should be up for my board very soon I am thinking later on monday. A board is someone asking me a ton of questions to make sure I have the knowlege of what I was supposed to learn and then be able to teach someone else the same knowlege. This time I am trying to get Patrolman its the qualification that will get me my badge. I have roved the Ship making sure everyone is doing the right things with my roving Partner. Haven't caught anyone doing anything really bad... I almost wish I had though so I can put my Patrolman knowlege to work but I am also glad I haven't found anyone doing anything bad because they are all my shipmmates. I got towards the end of season 3 of breaking bad....and I will admit I use to not like the show but I have gotten so far into it and it has gotten soo good. Can't wait to finish it off. I don't know what show to start next or if I should take a minor break to watch some movies such as Disney movies which I absolutely love. I got a cash card for the first time since I have been on this ship which it has been over a year... hopefully I don't use it to much. I got it so I can get a new watch since the battery on my only black watch broke and then get a phone card to call my parents. OH but they have all these goodies and snacks and such too and popcorn to go with movies...and this video camera I have had my eye on forever...but all these things can wait until deployment except the watch and the phone card would just be nice. Here are pictures I find my self looking at before I go to bed on most nights when we are out to sea. Hope they know how much I love them and think about them.


  1. Fun EM! I love being out at sea too. Though I've only done it a little. What an amazing adventure you are on! XO -Alex

    Simply Alexandra: My Favorite Things

    1. Thank you Alex :) I love keeping up on your blog as well. :D Another post to come soon.
